The East Street Extension Phase I Area Plan builds upon previous efforts, studies, and plans, and focuses on creating a vision and implementation strategy for the physical, economic revitalization, and historic preservation efforts along the Creek and the historic downtown’s southern edge. The Plan will serve as a guideline to assist the city, public agencies, developers, business owners, property owners, and others with identified short-term actions, long-term redevelopment activities, and help infuse new energy and vitality within Frederick’s East Street extension Phase I area. The plan’s conclusions, recommendations, and action plan strategies are outlined in the following report.
The East Street Extension Phase I Area Plan builds upon previous efforts, studies, and plans, and focuses on creating a vision and implementation strategy for the physical, economic revitalization, and historic preservation efforts along the Creek and the historic downtown’s southern edge. The Plan will serve as a guideline to assist the city, public agencies, developers, business owners, property owners, and others with identified short-term actions, long-term redevelopment activities, and help infuse new energy and vitality within Frederick’s East Street extension Phase I area. The plan’s conclusions, recommendations, and action plan strategies are outlined in the following report.
The purpose of this plan by the Urban Land Institute’s (ULI) Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) was aimed at developing creative strategies for investing in East Frederick. TAP looked into four different issue areas of development such as: market opportunities, transportation and infrastructure, regulatory framework, and implementation and financing.
The purpose of this report is to summarize the work completed on the East Street Rails with Trails project for the City of Frederick and funded by the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. The East Street Rails with Trails Plan coordinates and focuses on the resources of the City in the planning, design and construction of the path system with the ultimate goal of linking citizens to recreational, cultural, employment and commercial areas throughout the City.
The purpose of the East Street Corridor Small Area Plan (ESCAP) is to provide a guide for new and redevelopment. The plan includes recommendations for the future of the corridor including the location of new buildings, their appearance, and how to enhance existing development and ensure compatibility between uses in a mixed use environment.
The purpose of this plan is to comprehensively re-imagine East Street as an urban, mixed-use, complete multi-modal corridor from North Market to Monocacy Boulevard/New Design Road. The plan looks to develop a coherent context-sensitive urban design framework for the study corridor while respecting the diverse Character areas as well as redesign East Street to enhance pedestrian, bicycle, and transit facilities while supporting a form-based code and small area plan initiative for the East Frederick area.
The East Frederick Vision Plan An Agreed Upon Community Vision Plan will serve as the foundation for new Form-Based Zoning (development regulations to implement the Community Vision). The workshop process undertaken in the summer of 2022 reaffirmed the City’s long standing planning efforts (Community 2030 Strategic Plan, 2020 Comprehensive Plan, 2017 East Street Corridor Small Area Plan) and the citizens’ aspirations for such a place. The Vision Plan is specific in certain aspects: an interconnected network of pedestrian-oriented, tree-lined streets with wide sidewalks and on-street parallel parking, lined with multi-story (typically 2 to 6 stories) buildings that front and engage the street and sidewalk.