Home / Facade Improvement Application – Draft 2025 – [#1453]
Who is East Frederick Rising (EFR)?
A community-based group, with support from the City of Frederick, formed in 2010. EFR is a 501(c)(3) organization founded to serve the City of Frederick by helping to guide growth in a wise, incremental fashion, weaving our city’s historic charm and unique character seamlessly into development on the east side of Frederick.
We promote residential and commercial projects that result in economic vitality and communities that are walkable, connected, vibrant, safe, attractive, and sustainable; projects that create a sense of local context while satisfying regional demand for employment, housing, and cultural amenities.
We do this by seeking input from residents, business owners, city leaders, developers, and professionals and working to build consensus through constructive counsel, discussion forums, and healthy, respectful cooperation among all segments of our community.
EFR focuses on roughly 2200 acres on the east side of Frederick. Traditionally a manufacturing and industrial area, East Frederick represents an opportunity for redevelopment, reuse, and infill development. The East Frederick Rising Vision Plan was adopted by the mayor and Board of Alderman in 2011, after community meetings and outreach to property owners, residents and businesses in the area.
What is the East Frederick Facade Improvement Project?
The goal of the East Frederick Façade Improvement Project is to encourage building renovation, historic preservation and improved economic vitality by providing funding to upgrade East Frederick building facades. It offers matching funds for façade improvement (only). Building and/or business owners can apply for up to fifty percent of the cost of improvement projects. The minimum funding is $500. The maximum is $15,000. At the discretion of the EFR Board, exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis. Work completed prior to a letter of commitment is not eligible for funding.
The East Frederick Facade Improvement Project is administered by the EFR Board, composed of Frederick business owners, architects, engineers, residents and others who want to improve the appearance of East Frederick. It is funded by the State of Maryland’s Community Legacy Program.
Who can apply for funding?
Any building owner or store owner/building tenant with authorization from the property owner can apply for funding. The primary focus of the project area is generally in the vicinity of East Street, between South and Thirteenth Streets, eastward to Monocacy Boulevard from South Street to Church Street. Additional locations will be considered as long as they are within EFR’s focus area and the Sustainable Community designated boundary. Contact the EFR Board to learn if your property is eligible.
According to the State of Maryland’s requirements for funding, East Frederick Rising cannot provide assistance to certain uses/businesses and cannot fund improvements to residential properties.
What types of improvements are eligible for funding?
Improvements to street-facing facade(s) of the building are eligible for funding. For the purposes of this grant, building frontages that face onto Carroll Creek will be accepted.
Eligible projects include but are not limited to the following:
Signage repair/new signage
Masonry repair
Door/window repair or replacement
Removal of inappropriate or incompatible exterior finishes
Are there any design guidelines?
Yes. Where, applicable, projects must conform to Frederick Town Historic District Design Guidelines. For more information on Historic District Design Guidelines, please see The City of Frederick website (www.cityoffrederick.com). All projects must be approved by EFR. Due to State funding requirements, projects also must be reviewed by the Maryland Historical Trust.
How does the application process work?
Applicants can submit a complete application on our website at eastfrederickrising.com/facade-grant-application or mail a completed application to East Frederick Rising at: East Frederick Rising, Inc. P.O. Box 1024 Frederick, MD 21702 They may also email a completed application to heather.goddard@eastfrederickrising.com. The following is required for a complete application:
two color photos showing the existing building
detailed sketches or drawings of the proposed improvements
two bids on contractor letterhead
EFR will review the application and make a determination on the project. Applications are reviewed on a first-come, first served basis. EFR will provide feedback within five (5) business days.
If EFR approves the application, we will forward it to the City of Frederick Economic Development Department who will review and forward it to the Maryland Historic Trust (MHT), as required by the State of Maryland. MHT has 30 days to review the project. The applicant is encouraged to pursue HPC approval, if needed, at the same time as the project is undergoing MHT review.
EFR will issue a letter of commitment when MHT and HPC (if required) approval is received. The letter will include the amount granted and any conditions of approval. The amount will not be changed after project initiation. Work completed prior to a letter of commitment is not eligible for funding.
What happens after a project is selected for funding?
Work selected for a matching grant must be completed within six (6) months. The six-month time period will begin after acquisition of necessary approvals and/or permits. Project applicants have six months to complete City approval processes. Depending on project scope, extensions may be requested.
The applicant is responsible for obtaining all building permits and any other required City approvals for the work to be done. The applicant is responsible for conforming to all applicable safety standards and conditions. The applicant also agrees to maintain the property and the improvements.
EFR may promote an approved project including, but not limited to, displaying EFR signage at the site, during and after construction and using photographs and descriptions of the project in EFR materials.
How do I get reimbursed for my project?
Grant funds are issued on a reimbursement basis and will not be issued until the project is complete. Before a check is cut, applicants must submit proof of payment for completed work (canceled checks or credit card statements) and an EFR Board member must review the project to determine the work performed is consistent with that approved. EFR will then process a reimbursement check within 30 days.